Asthma causes and triggering factors | Asthma Homeopathy Treatments

 Asthma causes and triggering factors | Asthma Homeopathy Treatments 

• Exact cause is not known probably due to a combination of environmental and genetic (inherited) factors
• Airborne substances, such as pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander or particles of cockroach waste
• Respiratory infections, such as the common cold
• Physical activity (exercise-induced asthma)
• Cold air

• Air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke
• Certain medications, including beta blockers, aspirin
• Strong emotions and stress
• Sulfites and preservatives added to some types of foods and beverages, including shrimp, dried fruit, processed potatoes, beer and wine
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which stomach acids back up into your throat
• Occupational disorders

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